Die von uns entworfene und in-house programmierte Website www.gallop.at wurde von den ProcessWire CMS-Entwicklern zur Site of the Week ausgezeichnet – yesss! Vielen Dank an das Team von ProcessWire für die Anerkennung unserer Arbeit!
ProcessWire ist ein kleiner Stern am CMS-Himmel, die Website-Entwicklung mit diesem Content Management System hat für uns aber entscheidende Vorteile. Der Individualität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt – die Performance, Flexibilität und Sicherheit sind überaus herausragend.
Danke an Mario und Barbara Gallop für die Freiheiten und das Vertrauen in Buerostark bei der Umsetzung.
Our latest site of the week belongs to Gallop Immobilientreuhand, a Schwaz, Austria based company specializing in real estate related services — purchase, rental and leasing, brokerage, administration, and development.
The website of Gallop Immobilientreuhand was designed and developed by Werbeagentur Buerostark. The design of the site looks really clean and stylish, and although this is not a massive site by any means, there’s plenty of content, varying layouts, and features such as an image gallery and a Form Builder contact form.
As for behind the scenes details, in addition to the Form Builder module mentioned above we can also tell that the front-end of this site is powered by the Uikit front-end framework. According to the sites directory entry the design was originally crafted with Adobe XD — not that it would make a difference for a visitor, but we’re always happy to hear more about what went on behind the scenes during the project.