
ProcessWire Site of the week: roteskreuz-telfs.at

Mit großer Freude möchten wir euch über unseren neuesten Erfolg informieren! Die Website www.roteskreuz-telfs.at wurde nach unserem Relaunch von den Entwicklern des renommierten Content Management Systems ProcessWire zur Site of the Week gekürt – ein weiteres Mal dürfen wir uns über diese Auszeichnung freuen!

Wir bedanken uns bei unserem Team für den Einsatz und die harte Arbeit sowie bei ProcessWire für die Anerkennung unserer Leistung. Der Relaunch von www.roteskreuz-telfs.at ist nicht nur eine herausragende Referenz für unser Portfolio, sondern auch ein Beweis für unsere Leidenschaft, innovative digitale Lösungen zu schaffen.

Wir freuen uns auf weitere spannende Projekte und die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden die digitale Welt zu gestalten.

Originaltext des Processwire-Newsletter:

Our latest site of the week belongs to Rotes Kreuz Telfs, the local Rotes Kreuz — the Red Cross of Austria — organization at Telfs. Their new, ProcessWire powered website was created by Werbeagentur Buerostark.

The Rotes Kreuz Telfs website has a beautiful, modern look and feel to, while also being very much in line with the Red Cross visual style. Projects such as this one are definitely a challenge for a designer, as there's a need to follow common guidelines, but also they need some unique features, and the Rotes Kreuz Telfs website pulls that off splendidly. Just as an example, the "back to top" arrow has a meter displaying how far on the page you currently are — a minor detail, obviously, but also a good example of a feature that both makes things more interesting and improve usability of the site at the same time.

As for behind the scenes details, the front-end of the site was created using the Uikit front-end framework, while some of the third party tools it integrates with include Klaro consent manager and a self-hosted version of Matomo for analytics. As for ProcessWire modules and such, there's only one that we could spot, and that would be the caching and optimization tool ProCache.

Thanks to the folks at Werbeagentur Buerostark for sharing this project with us, and our congratulations to the client, Rotes Kreuz Telfs, for their ProcessWire powered website!
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